My time was slower than the past couple of times. I ate a whole bunch of ham before the WOD and it killed me. I thought I was going to get a sub 20 until the second round which made me debate a bucket.
I finally saw the movie Seven Pounds, it was really good. Will Smith was a spectacular character. Definitely heart touching and led me to reevaluate many aspects of my life.
This was a good post Christmas workout. I felt a lot better after doing Angie, I mean, after all that HAM I thought I was going to become a ham.
To be honest, I haven't posted in a couple of days because I could not, for the life of me, remember what my time for this WOD was. I'm so confused....
I'll post my official time later. I hope everyone had a fun and safe holiday. YAY, New Years is coming, and I do not have a resolution. Hmmm, why do people set New Years Resolutions? Maybe mine will be to be a better person and become more helpfull. I don't know....Hi twins, hope all is well!!!
HAhahAH HAhaha hahahH Ahahaha AHAahahahahaAha hahah hahahHAhahahahah ahahahahahHA h ahahahah Ahah haha hahahaha a
Todays WOD didn't float my boat. After that killer Eva, my shoulders and ass were on strike.
Back Squat 5-5-5-5-5
I didn't stick to a weight since I didn't take the time to find the right one. Oh well. I'm lazy...yeah, I didn't use the "it's Christmas Eve" excuse like a lot of people...straight up lazy and wasn't in the mood.
I have no idea what the video is about because my computer doesn't have sound, hopefully it is enjoyable. I wish Everyone a happy and safe Christmas. I better see all of you back at the gym...or else...I will put my bloody hands all over you!!!
Five rounds for time of, 800m run 30 kettlebell swings 53# 30 Pull ups
My overall time was 01:08:06
She was a doozy and even though I have the slowest time for this workout on the board, I'm proud...because I finished it. It was funny too, I walked in and grabbed a 53# to try it and it felt heavy so I tried the 40 and it felt heavy so I grabbed what I thought was a 35 and gave it a go and it felt really heavy. Not wanting to go to 25 as usual (defeating the purpose of the workout) I settles for the "35". However on my second round Danny walks by and says "Wow girl, you're doing 53#". Correcting him, I told him it was 35, but I checked anyway, and to my dislexic astonishment it was a I said...I finished....
Well, I have concluded that my time was indeterminable because someone *cough cough* stopped my timer *cough Chong cough*. It was estimated to be around 31 minutes or so, but I wont count it. Therefore today's WOD was mearly...a WOD.
In other news Maria broke the pull up bars...yes, all 80 pounds of her destroyed a bar that 200 pound men have been swinging on for the past three years. are not just need to stop doing CrossFit, you are way too strong now...go eat some cookies.
Hey twins, thank you for the Starbuck gift cards, I will use them wisely and more stumbling into Sunday morning WODs like a zombie, I thank you. Have the best Christmas ever, and good luck with the in laws!!!
Boy oh boy does Freddy have a surprise waiting for him tomorrow when he gets to the gym....Gnome love...the secrets of Gaymacho....
I finally got something going for me, yay!!! I don't think it's so much the shoulder strength. but I was able to get under that bar! I feel hyped about hitting my new PR!!! Also, note for the future, I should have added the 1.1's after I failed the 150 and tried for 147.2, that's something I need to focus on, taking baby steps.
Poor guy A man escapes from prison where he has been for 15 years. He breaks into a house to look for money and guns and finds a young couple in bed.
He orders the guy out of bed and ties him to a chair, while tying the girl to the bed he gets on top of her, kisses her neck, then gets up and goes into the bathroom. While he's in there, the husband tells his wife:
"Listen, this guy's an escaped convict, look at his clothes! He probably spent lots of time in jail and hasn't seen a woman in years. I saw how he kissed your neck." If he wants sex, don't resist, don't complain, do whatever he tells you. Satisfy him no matter how much he nauseates you. This guy is probably very dangerous. If he gets angry, he'll kill us. Be strong, honey. I love you."
To which his wife responds: "He wasn't kissing my neck. He wwas whispering in my ear. He told me he was gay, thought you were cute, and asked me if we had any vaseline. I told him it was in the bathroom. Be strong honey. I love you too!!"
I was able to complete 4 rounds and 1 run. After the WOD Cheryl walks up to me and says, you know its easier if you reverse your grip. I tried it and surely enough it was A LOT better. Oh well. Next time.
A Really Bad Day There was this guy at a bar, just looking at his drink. He stays like that for half of an hour.
Then, this big trouble-making truck driver steps next to him, takes the drink from the guy, and just drinks it all down. The poor man starts crying. The truck driver says, "Come on man, I was just joking. Here, I'll buy you another drink. I just can't stand to see a man cry."
"No, it's not that. This day is the worst of my life. First, I fall asleep, and I go late to my office. My boss, outrageous, fires me. When I leave the building, to my car, I found out it was stolen. The police said that they can do nothing. I get a cab to return home, and when I leave it, I remember I left my wallet and credit cards there. The cab driver just drives away."
"I go home, and when I get there, I find my wife in bed with the gardener. I leave home, and come to this bar. And just when I was thinking about putting an end to my life, you show up and drink my poison."
Here are some other people having a bad day or something like that...
Five rounds for time of: 145 pound Deadlift, 5 reps 10 Burpees
My overall time was 00:06:41
I'm happy about dropping the weight. Just Friday when I did the WOD with deadlifts at only 135#, my back was wrecked. Yet today with the low rep scheme and lighter weight my back feels fine. A big thanks to Cheryl for "yelling" at me to workout harder. I actually liked this workout. It will be interesting to see the improvements I make with it.
My overall time was 00:28:03? (Have to check the board)
Box jumps always get the best of me. I mean, I am always jumping on things, but when it comes to boxes for time, I die! And deadlifts, they kill me too, and just so I can complain some more, pull ups hurt in the cold. Thank you Alena for making me finish that blasted workout. 20 box jumps in I was ready to throw in the white towel.
I'm just proud I did it, and got a sub 30. I was pretty confident 20 box jumps in that if I finished it, it would take a very long time.
3 rounds for time of: 50 Squats 10 Muscle-up transitions 75 pound Hang power cleans, 10 reps
My overall time was 00:20:28
A big thanks to Jolie Gentry for getting my ass closer to doing an actual muscle up. The transition is a big help. I definitely need to work on my dip strength so that I can really get up there. I hope to work out with Jolie around more, she really knows her stuff, and she's great for inspiration. (My role Model).
Hey twin bots, it was great seeing you girls today, keep comin in or else!!! And Cheryl, I can't wait to go on another ride along!!!
Today was one of those days where I just felt blah, yesterday was even worse (notice the lack of postage), I think its the weather change. Ever since it got cold I just have trouble getting motivated. On top of that I am coming down with a cold. DAMMIT!!!
Clean and Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 looked something like this,
Then later on in the evening I did Annie,
Double unders and abmat Situps 50,40,30,20,10
My overall time was 00:08:10
Hey twin bots I miss you, and that goes for you Cheryl too!!! It's so lonely without you there picking on me! Compliments to Maria for the Photo!!!
Muahahahahhaha, I slay you!!! Feel the wrath of my SWORD!!!! Anyways, today was just another Sunday. I finally started helping out with the class, mostly cracking down on peoples technique during the WOD. Med ball cleans are difficult.
The after my attempt at coaching I did the dot come with the coolest people ever, Chris, Cheryl, Kirk, Will, and Shannon timed us all, it was AWESOME. And when I say awesome, I mean awful. Like, PAINFUL. But it was so much fun!
Complete as many rounds in twenty minutes as you can of: 15 Pull-ups 15 Ring push-ups 15 Back Extensions 15 GHD Sit-ups
I manages 5 rounds and 5 push ups.
I finally met up with Bel, so the good times have really started to roll!! Tis the season!
I'm ready to hit the slopes!!! I think it would be great if we got a whole bunch of OneWorlders and other people from CrossFit gyms to bring their families and hit the slopes I think we would all be in for a great time! Doug, I remember you said you and Bel want to, and Will is down, so lets make it happen when the snow starts to fall. We can make it into a nice big chill event.
I did Fran again today,
For time, 21-15-9 of Thrusters and Pull-ups.
I had a horrible overall time today, 00:07:32
I feel unsatisfied with myself so I will probably do something on the rest day.
So whose all down for boarding, skiing and snowball fights?
I was ready to work out today and I really need to lately. I'm still recovering from the Thanksgiving blues like so many others. Meaning all those left overs I have been eating have taken their toll and the only way to feel human again is to work out. By the way, I have been missing a few people lately, twins *cough* where the heck have you been?
Well Today I did Michael... Complete three rounds for time of:
Run 800m
50 back extensions
50 sit-ups
My time was 00:23:53
Not so sure if that's a PR but I don't care, I ran like shit today and it took way too long to reach the 800m in a desirable time, I'm telling you, its the Thanksgiving blues, how do I know, because I feel so blue.
My boys to the left!!! Well yesterday I attempted the .com workout with the shoulder presses but I just wasn't in it.
Shoulder Press 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps
It looked something like this 80-84(f)-82.2(f)-82.2(f)-82.2(f)-80-81.1
Everyone was picking on me on the last round because I had 1.1's on each side and I took one off leaving it uneven and I got it. I guess this just means that I need to work on my presses, which means I have a lot of things to work on.
Today was the infamous Fran. You should have been there when Cheryl found out about Fran, she got sick to her stomach and the dread was emanating from her like heat from an oven. Chris was dreading too, can't wait to find out how those two studs did.
Three rounds, 21-15- and 9 reps, for time of: 65 pound Thruster Pull-ups
My overall time was 00:07:18
My new PR. Hopefully next time I will get a sub 7. This time I remembered to breathe so I didn't get that terrible burn in my veins like the last couple times. Woot!!!
I am mostly back on track with my eating habits since Thanksgiving, and I definitely learned my lesson today after having a huge mug of eggnog and about an hour later having some hot chocolate. Being somewhat lactose intolerant...eeeeeeew, my stomach was not happy. It sucked but it was necessary.
I must say I was not too enthused about the whole Tabata today, but it ended up not being too bad. But my performance was horrible, especially with the pull-ups. I needed some Cheryl to hype me up, but there was no Cheryl around... However, I did make up my score with the squats, I'm happy about that. I pulled about 19 squats consistently throughout the whole eight rounds.
Complete 32 intervals of 20 seconds of work followed by ten seconds of rest where the first 8 intervals are pull-ups, the second 8 are push-ups, the third 8 intervals are sit-ups, and finally, the last 8 intervals are squats. There is no rest between exercises.
Happy Thanksgiving. What do I have to be thankful for. Well actually a lot of things. Like my health, family, friends, even my job. I'm thankful for all of these things. Why, because without them I would be a wreck, well an even bigger wreck. So, thank you, everyone, for everything.
I went into the gym today around 9:45 a.m and ended up doing the SF Crippler finally. (This was the work out Chong and Raz talked me into then untalked me into yesterday).
30 Body weight back squats 1000m Row
My time was 00:10:56
It was cool the night before I was 123lbs so I would have been doing 125# squats, but this morning I weighed in and I was 119lbs! Woot. Realistically I should have done 120# squats, but I figured, why settle for less and went with the 125# anyways. Mostly I was just happy that I was 119.
I need some ideas for things to do in my free time (other than CrossFit), so if anyone has any good ideas post them to comments, I'm in desperate need of things to do.
So it was a lovally evening. And happened. Chong and Razzledazzle get it in their heads that it would be fun to get me to do a WOD, and that was fine, I was planning on it at some point anyway. So after being stubborn for a while I put my workout clothes on and everything is great. I was ready to do the 30 bodywieght squats...but I come out of the bathroom none other than Jolie Gentry has entered the gym. Needless to say those two evil spirits pull a switcharoo on me. Now that the sexy super star has arrived they want me to do Mr. Joshua. I retaliated...but...I gave in...eventually...
I learned alot today much to the thanks of Eric Gohler. He's so damn good at deadlifting and coaching it. He kept me from going too heavy and made sure I stayed on track with my pace. Thank you G for the 5-5-5 tip, good thinking. Never really thought too in depth about the fatigue factor. Oh and Ms. Gentry was a fabulous workout partner, she was so far ahead I just had to attempt to catch up. Good times!!!
So uhm, I had a date with Annie today, oh and that cute lil asian girl, she's not Annie, she's my other girl! ;D We sure love to cook. By the way I think this is the only picture that I have a real smile that actually looks okay.
But back to Annie, I had three miss starts with that wench. First time about 5 double unders in the rope went all crazy because my hair kept hitting it. Second time around about 3 double unders in my shoe laces went on strike...third time around i just was having trouble doing a double under. So I waited, like 2 minutes and just got it over with. And it wasn't pretty.
Annie consists of,
50 Double Unders 50 Sit ups 40 Double Unders 40 Sit ups 30 Double Unders 30 Sit ups 20 Double Unders 20 Sit ups 10 Double Unders 10 Sit ups
For time. In which case my time was 00:12:36.
This was just a reminder that I need to do more double unders because my technique is horrible. I bet my grandmother could do them better than me...One thing you should know about my grandmother...she's a tough woman...from the South!!!
My oh my, I am out of my game, I did Filthy Fifty today and I gained a minute instead of taking one off! Ooopsie, this means war. I have finally zoned in on my diet and have been a bit more consistent with my work out where did this minute come from...well let me tell you, it was the box jumps and the wall balls. Two things that I really hate, and everyone knows what that means...if you hate it, you do it. Like everyone says, work on your weaknesses and your strengths will also become stronger. So I guess, well actually I know, I need to suck it up and jump on boxes and throw a ball at the tiny square on the wall.
So last time when I did this was in September, my time was 00:36:10. Today my time was 00:37:37..I'm such a sandbagger...
It was funny too, I hate burbees as much as the next guy, but thats where I got back some of my time, and it was really funny when half way through the burpees I saw Freddy setting up the GHD and thought back on the entire WOD, coming to the conlusion that SHIT I forgot the back extensions. So I rushed through the last few burpees and jumped right on that thing.
My goal...avoid all the cookies in my house.....avoid most of the cookies in my house...
Today was the 5k...yippee. I used to be a cross country runner, but these days, I just want to hang out in the gym. I think the only time I actually enjoy running at this point is out in the hills and trees where the course isn't repetitive, or better there is no course. I hate running in an urban setting with buildings and cars everywhere, but it is what it I will stop my complaining!
My overall time was 00:23:49
Gradually getting slower and having to work that much harder just to stay under 24 minutes. What I need to do is to make a point to run at least once or twice a week, and by run I mean distance running, 5k or greater. After all, you do not get good at muscles ups by thinking about them, you have to practice. The same goes for anything. Speaking of which, I still haven't been able to do one just yet...any feedback.
Today I attempted another dot come workout which was the 400m run and max reps of pull-ups in 20 minutes. I was off to a good start,
15/20/15/20 I got about 12-13 minutes in out of the 20 so I'm not dissapointed.
But after those last few pull ups I had a run in with a bloody hand. It was beautiful! I tapped out after that when old memories of infection swept on by! Infection = not fun. I'm thinking about tomorrows 5k and I think it will go just great by giving my hand time to recoup!
Anyone else looking forward to Thanksgiving. I know I am. I want to just eat until I explode, regret eating so much, and then eat some more. You have no idea how much I look forward to eating mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing, pie, and of course TURKEY! mmmmm, oh so good.
Ok, so this weekend was hectic and busy. I learned so much from everything they presented and I just wish I has a sponge for a brain. Aside from the data overload they put us through Fran and Fight Gone Bad. Yikes! Fran was performed after lunch so that didn't go over so well and FGB was done before lunch but I just didnt have any juice that day.
My Fran time was 00:07:41
My FGB score was 235, not the best thing but way better than when I did it a couple days ago.
I have a Fran story about why my time could have been at least 30 seconds better but Chris will say "You're still stuck on that Fran thing". With that as a case, I will just say I could have done so much better, bnut hey I got it done. Oh, and you should have seen this badass, Beth, she was a beast. She is a paddler so when she did FGB she really knocked out the rowing. I swear, you meet so many interesting people at these huge CrossFit social gatherings.
Yesterday I did Frianabeth,
21 thruster ( 65#)
21 pull-ups 15 squat cleans (85#) 15 ring dips 9 deadlift (135#) 9 Hand Stand Push Ups
My time was 00:11:56
I was wiped out from this weekend that today I wasn't even out of breath during the work out. My body just gave me a big FUCK YOU and said "I'm tired".... but I did it, I didn't like it, but I did it.
Ah, and Today was a nice REST DAY! Oh so good!
So basically I want to start focusing on movements and familiarize myself with what people are doing correctly and incorrectly. Afterall that is a big part of CrossFit, the movements...doing them properly is of the utmost importance.
So yeah...Cheryl wants me to start doing the dot com. So today I went in with her around 11 and we did Fight Gone Bad. Both of us were so sore that we spent a lot of time warming up, stretching, and talking about how much we didn't want to do it. Soon after Will came in and Cheryl worked her 'convincing' magic and got William to join us. We all dreaded FGB together which became hilarious when none of us could figure out how to work the buzzer. We almost resorted to using watches, but luckily James came in just in time and that silly man got that thing to work. Lesson learned, do not mess with the restart button.
Needless to say we finally did the workout and Cheryl and Will killed it!!! The whole I was going I just wanted to be struck by lightning but not William, he powered through FGB and nailed it. He was only two points away from the 400 club. Way to go Will, 398 is a badass number.
Also I think Cheryl was in the high 200's. Like 270 maybe even over 300, I'll have to ask her later....she's crazy!!!!
The one thing I absolutely love about One World is that no matter what, there is always someone cheering me on. Whether its my sweet boyfriend, the crazy loving Maria, cheerful supportive Mary, buffed out Cheryl, or just anyone. Whoever is around is always so supportive and always cheering me, and everyone else on. This gym is more than a box with equipment, its a home where whoever you are, you have family.
Today's WOD was Twenty One.....
20 push-ups/1 sit-up
19 push-ups/2 sit-ups
18 push-ups/3 sit-ups
17 push-ups/4 sit-ups
16 push-ups/5 sit-ups
15 push-ups/6 sit-ups
14 push-ups/7 sit-ups
13 push-ups/8 sit-ups
12 push-ups/9 sit-ups
11 push-ups/10 sit-ups
10 push-ups/11 sit-ups
9 push-ups/12 sit-ups
8 push-ups/13 sit-ups
7 push-ups/14 sit-ups
6 push-ups/15 sit-ups
5 push-ups/16 sit-ups
4 push-ups/17 sit-ups
3 push-ups/18 sit-ups
2 push-ups/19 sit-ups
1 push-up/20 sit-ups
At first it was hard to get the push ups, but around the 11 stage they weren't so bad anymore especially with the 10 sit up rest. After that stage my back was suffering. I need to strengthen it, with magic.
Chris and I are exploring a new blog with which we will eventually post all of our plans for travel and see just where our travels will take us. We don't really have anything up just yet, but your support would be much appreciated.
What a great bunch! We even have some of the breakfast club in there!! Anywwhooo, I haven't been too consistent this week with workouts. I'll get back on it next week. Also need to go grocery shopping so I will have good things to eat.
The other day I mixed matched some workouts, I did 10 minutes of 10 Thrusters (45#) and 10 Pull ups. I got 5 rounds.
Afterwords I did 100 ab mat sit ups and then attempted 50 back extensions on the GHD machine but on number 28 I hit my elbow on its bar and decided I was done. OUCHIES!
WOOT, This years Halloween shindigs were awesome. Definitely made some memories and set the bar for next year. I absolutely loved the One World turnout and the costumes. We had police officers, some sexy inmates, a Freddy, a couple hula dancers, and of course Sara Palin and Barrack Obama. Some good times.
I would like to make a shout out to Mary! Thank you for sponsoring me for the stretching seminar. We can learn how to not hurt together.
Man, todays WOD kicked my ass. I came into the gym thinking, just another rest day. . Boy was I wrong. Freddy and Alison somehow managed to get my butt up and out the door. I sure regretted eating all that chocolate. I even wanted a date with pukie, but I was not graced with his presence.
Michael is 3 rounds for time of,
800m Run 50 Back extensions 50 Situps (Abmat for me)
My time was 00:22:39.
Now that is pure improvement. The last time that I did this WOD it took me 00:26:08, thats just about 4 minutes of improvement. YAY
Winter is upon us and I need to get my tush in gear and buy some sweat pants so I wont freeze my ass off when I work out. Any good suggestions for places to get One World approved clothing?
I don't know who the chick in the pic is, but she looked spiffy!
Wow, todays workout was a tuffy.
Complete 5 rounds for time of:
7 push jerk (W:95#)
15 pull-ups
25 Abmat sit-ups
My overall time was 00:24:17
Halloween is tomorrow...Still dont know what to be??? I'm poor so I will be putting stuff together and hopefully its a hit. I am so excited about Brad's cabbage salad! YUMMMMMMMM!!!
The pic by popular demand! Compliments to Msss Maria!!! I look like rubber in this after Fran photo. hahahaha
Anyways todays WOD was Diane which consisted of,
Deadlift (155# & 145#)
Handstand push-ups
My time for this one suffered. I want to blame my back but I really need to get more aggressive and make WODs like a mind over matter thing.
My overall time was 00:24:58
My hand stand pushups were a little bit stronger than last time, and they were the only thing that kept me from a 30 minute Diane. I flew right through them, then painfully lollygagged through the deadlifts.
Bots unite! I love each and every one of you! Huggles
Maria, you are awesome! I can't thank you enough for all these pictures you've been taking! Its lovally that all I need to do is go on flickr and snag a photo for my blog! You rock girl! I said, you made the difference in my Fran time with all that MAD cheering. Woman you are an kick butt trainer! You get my butt into tip top performance!
Todays WOD was,
800m Run 100 Squats 800m run 100 overhead squats 800m run.
My overall time was 00:18:?? I donno...hahaha
If you read my blog and have a blog of your own, leave me a comment and a link so I can check out yours as well.
Raz, man, you sure know how to make the last 10 minutes of work fly by with taser stories.
Ugh, today was Fran. Not only was everyone excited, pressure was high as all the bots and the boyfriend expressed how well they wanted me to perform. Well needless to say I was pushed to making a new PR with all that cheering a crucial coaching. Thanks Cheryl for yelling at me, you kept me on my toes, and Chris, same to you, also thanks for keeping me honest with my pullups. Wooh, that was fun *cough cough*.
Fran consists of,
21 Thrusters
21 Pullups
15 Thrusters
15 Pullups
9 Thrusters
9 Pullups
My overall time was 00:07:38. A minute off my last PR. Good times. Let me tell you, there are few workouts that make you wish you would just die afterwords...Fran is one of them. My arms were on fire, and after I hit those last 9 pullups I went straight to the floor and I stayed there. Love the burn...mmmm....burn. Maria, I'm not sure...what was your Fran time?
So anyways...I feel a new tradition coming on. Sunday morning breakfast outtings. Even if its only once a month (hopefully more often), its always lovally to get out with the gang! Hopefully the breakfast crowd will grow.
Today I ran the 5k and it kicked my butt. I know you guys all wanted me to kick butt and be on the top of the list but I am just not satisfied with my time. I really need to hit a 21 or under 5k time otherwise it just seems void.
My overall time was 00:23:26
I guess next time I'll have to have breakfast first. Empty stomach equals no gas in the tank. And we all know how well a tank without gas allows a car to run.
Anyhow, I will try and update this blog more often! =) love you all. And Cheryl, you kick butt at teaching classes and I cant wait to go on another ride along. The last one was so much fun....I promise not to fall asleep on you next time.
Good times good times. I think every once in a while, if I can get away with it, I will try and kill a WOD with you ladies. It would be nice to have you kick my butt again. Real good motivation. Oh and I' not real sure what I will be for halloween, I'm on a costume budget. We shall see...Freddy needs to be a cheerleader, this pic is proof.
I need to zone in on my nutrition because I always feel tired now, not to mention the strangest occurence in my arms on Sunday. We all have had muscle fatigue, burning muscles, lead arms, jello, whatever, but on Sunday my arms went numb. It was difficult to get them above my head. It was a feeling so alien that I am not even sure if I can describe it enough. Anyways...I'm glad its gone, and I hope that by improving my nutrition to whatever degree, that I will see improvements.
This is Cheryl after the Fight Gone Bad fund raiser. I'll have you know that after todays WOD, I did just the same thing as Cheryl...I laid there for at least ten to fifteen minutes. My whole body was tense and like lead; even worse than the suffereng of my body was the suffering of my intelligence. Afterwords my speech was impaired and was spoken in fragments, half the time I made no sense.
Todays WOD consisted of,
Complete five individual rounds for time of:
20 pull-ups
30 push-ups
40 sit-ups
50 squats
Rest 3 minutes between rounds and post a time for each round.
My overall time was 00:34:?? I don't remember, the paper is floating around was all your fault. But thank you for motivating me. Girl you kicked butt.
Mary, Maria, I look forward to seeing you two today. Its running and you better show up!....(OR ELSE muahahahahahahaha)
To the right is the fight gone bad crew! What a lovely bunch. Anywho, I haven't been working out as much as I should be so today I tried to do a little catching up. By the way, I really miss working out with you ladies, my times are suffering without you to sweat along side me.
My overall time was 00:09:18, not bad for a first try.
Then later on just before I got off work I tried the max overhead squat 1/1/1/1/1
I did 85/95/105/110F/110F/110F/110F
I was very keen on getting 110# but I just didn't have it today. I guess I could have done 107# or worked my way up gradually, however, I don't regret pushing it. Freddy even recorded my failure and in about 5 days I'll try it again and see is I can get that damned thing all the way through the squat. My goal is to be able to do a body weight overhead squat, and eventually over my body weight. I guess we will just have to wait and see what happens.
The Fight Gone Bad Fundraiser was a BIG success this year with a great turn out of atheletes and spectators. It was nice seeing some familiar faces from the affiliate gyms and was even nicer meeting some new people. I had donated prior to the event and really wasn't planning on doing the workout, but everyone kept bugging me and after watching the first round, I couldn't resist. I just had to get all nice and sweaty! And believe me...I was sweaty...just like Cheryl and Maria, and Mary and Chris, and everyone else that was there! Oh so good.
The workout was set up as follows,
Move from each of the five stations after a minute. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. This event calls for 3 rounds. The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. On call of ‘rotate,’ the athletes must move to next station immediately for a good score. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point. The stations are:
It was nice being in the box today with everyone I love! Good times! But tell me why on the day we do the Filthy Fifty the temperature rises?! What crap is that..I was like...a leaking focet.
Man, the Bots took home today and everyone RX'd! It doesn't get better than that!
A note to you ladies...we need to take pics on a more daily basis so this blog will more colorful and robotic! (if you catch my meaning)
Was it me...or did Today's WOD just kill everyone....
I finally posted and it is after midnight. Woot! Man, I love these two ladies right here. Not only are they the ones who really got me motivated to haul ass on the WODs, but they also keep it real at the gym. Hey you other girls, don't think I'm not thinking and loving you too. I really need to get some good photos of Cheryl and Alison up on here. You hot mammas need to be on my page!!!
I will come for you...
Complete five rounds for time of:
Run 400m
15 overhead squats (65#)
My overall time was 00:24:33
I noticed that I am finally starting to rx more of the WODs. This makes me happy. YAY!!! ^_^ This is me smiling. I couldn't have gotten this far so fast without all you beautiful ladies and crazy men at One World. So I would like to take this moment to thank you for helping me to become a better person. You guys rock!
Alison...girl...we need to run more...well maybe (I'm so LAZY)
Chris!!! Thanks for making sure I was going low enough...I should have listened to you about my shorts, but I completely forgot about the squats...DAMN!
The advantage of exercising every day is that you die healthier.
Cheryl...I totally want to take you up on your offer for a get away..and I will talk to Freddy, have Chris talk to Freddy, and have Alison talk to Freddy and whoever else, about CrossFit Kids. I agree that it would be a great program!
I missed the twins today, I hope you two are doing super fabulous!
Alison...your kipping pull-ups are getting better and better!!! Pretty soon you will be doing 40 in a row!
Todays WOD
Complete 21/15/9 reps for time of:
Handstand push-ups (used 2 abmats)
Ring dips (used rubber bands)
Push-ups (rx'd)
Overall time 00:17:14
Thank you Cheryl for helping me figure out the hand stand push ups. Oh and Chong, thanks for setting my ring dips straight! I am so slow!
Ok Cheryl, this is how to post comments,
First you click on the comments tab at the bottom of the post. Write your comment in the blank square provided. Next click in the bubble that says Name/URL Add your name Lastly click on Publish Your Comment!
Finally got around to my second attempt for the time trials. It was cool going to the nine O' clock class and watching Chris get his experience on! But it did have a few downfalls. I didn't have the usual robots pushing me so my time suffered for some of the events.
Pull-Ups 11:55 rx
Push-Ups 9:46 rx
Sit-Ups 4:17 rx
400m Run 1:20
500m Row 2:16.7
It was nice getting it done early and then coming back to the gym to watch everyone else and cheering them on!
Alison RX'd her pull-ups and push-ups which was awesome!!! Watch girl, next time you are going to murder the time trials!!!
Bionic, Bicentennial lady, and Iron woman, you girls did awesome...I will never catch up...aaaaaaaaaaah!
Sorry that I didn't see any of you ladies today, I went to Frisco with a friend to get some yummy shrimp.
Today was Rubber Legs,
Complete the following for time:
Run 200m
50 squats
Row 250m
30 lunge steps (total steps)
Run 200m
25 squat jumps (full squat with 6" jump)
Row 250m
30 lunge steps
Run 200m
50 squats
Row 250m
There is a good reason why it is called rubber legs...
I really want to go to the city with some friends, dressed real spiffy, and just have fun at pier 39 lallygagging. There really isn't anything more special than being with people you care about and making the most out of something as simple as showing up to a place with no real plan other than to have a blast. Whose up for it? The more the merrier, the less the more romantic, aye Chris! he he
Anyways, its good to be at a computer with internet and really old pictures. So many memories.
Anyways, today at the gym....was...hell...
We had to do Kelly,
5 Rounds for time of
400m Run 30 Box Jumps 20" 30 Wall Balls 10#
Not fun
My overall time was 00:34:?? Mary will have to tell you the time, we tied and I was so dead I could only remember the 34.
Good job today Mary, you ate that WOD alive, and Maria you butchered it you RX'd fiend. That WOD kicked all our butts today. I hated wall balls before, but now I'd say that they are okay, my new hate is for box jumps! I herby declare them evil on all accounts of everything good in this cookies!
I'm so lucky to have a boyfriend that laughs when he falls hard! What a badass! Hope you did well on your finals and essays!
Today was deadlifts,
Five rounds of five reps, 5/5/5/5/5 140#/145#/150#/150#/150#
Due to the crappiness of my form, Eric suggested I stick with 150# as not to ruin a good thing, or as they say in the CrossFit world, don't sacrifice form for weight. I'm happy with myself especially after all the coaching I got from both Chris and Eric. Next time I'll up the weight for sure.
Mary, Maria, I hope all is well with the family, I will pray for you guys!
Cheryl kicked ass on today's WOD, it was amazing watching her overcome those crazy weights!
I think I will work on my form for all of the basic movements. I plan to dedicate a little bit of time after every One World WOD to work on such techniques. Good Stuff.
Oh and Chris, you did wonderful teaching your first class, you got right in there and knocked us all dead. Great job babe, I am so proud of you.
Today Chris suggested we head over to CrossFit Santa Clara so we went out there and checked it out. It was big fun meeting all these new people and saying hello to the champ! Can't wait to give them another visit, Megan and Chris grew on me and I hope when next I visit I catch those two.
Todays WOD was,
"Nasty Girls"
Three Rounds for time of,
50 Squats 28 Pull-ups 28 Ring Dips 10 Hang power cleans, 75#
My time was 00:28:41
Just an FYI Maria, I am out of town this weekend with Chris and the family so I wont see you Sunday.
Goals for near future...learn how to do muscle-ups, and practice back extensions.
Today was narly! It was so friggen hot!!! Tomorrow I don't think I am going to do anything. For once I think I will actually take a rest day! I am so zonked and ready to just SLEEEEP!
Mary....Maria...??? I miss you, where were you ladies today. I had less people to hug...I was so sad. (You must have been very busy) he he he. You was so hot...eeeek.
Complete three rounds for time of:
Run 800m
50 back extensions
50 sit-ups
My time was 00:26:08
Alison kicked my butt and killed that WOD. I am so proud of my blonde partner in crime. And Cheryl, I hope your back feels better, and girl, you are an amazing athlete.
CrossFit is the principal strength and conditioning program for many police academies and tactical operations teams, military special operations units, champion martial artists, and hundreds of other elite and professional athletes worldwide. Our program delivers a fitness that is, by design, broad, general, and inclusive. Our specialty is not specializing. Combat, survival, many sports, and life reward this kind of fitness and, on average, punish the specialist.The CrossFit program is designed for universal scalability making it the perfect application for any committed individual regardless of experience. We’ve used our same routines for elderly individuals with heart disease and cage fighters one month out from televised bouts. We scale load and intensity; we don’t change programs.
I am a CrossFitter Bay area born and raised and currently training at Hercules Crossfit with the "Fun Crowd". I recieved my CrossFit level I Cert in November of 2008, and I am currently the recptionist at One World. I aspire to be a successful trainer and maybe one day join the CrossFit HQ team so that I can travel the world and help people explore this masochistic method of fitness. I am attending Cal State East Bay in hopes of getting a degree in Marine Science and outside of that becoming a Master Diver.
My e-mail is