Monday, December 22, 2008

Filthy Fifty

Filthy fifty is pretty filthy, but if you want to see really filthy just look at this photo taken at a small outing. Gaymacho thinks he's a pimp...

One World outings are pretty fun but I must admit the last few got pretty crazy.

For time:
50 Box jump, 20 inch box
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 25 lbs
Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press, 33 pounds
50 Back extensions
50 Wall ball shots, 12 pound ball
50 Burpees
50 Double unders

Well, I have concluded that my time was indeterminable because someone *cough cough* stopped my timer *cough Chong cough*. It was estimated to be around 31 minutes or so, but I wont count it. Therefore today's WOD was mearly...a WOD.

In other news Maria broke the pull up bars...yes, all 80 pounds of her destroyed a bar that 200 pound men have been swinging on for the past three years. are not just need to stop doing CrossFit, you are way too strong now...go eat some cookies.

Hey twins, thank you for the Starbuck gift cards, I will use them wisely and more stumbling into Sunday morning WODs like a zombie, I thank you. Have the best Christmas ever, and good luck with the in laws!!!

Boy oh boy does Freddy have a surprise waiting for him tomorrow when he gets to the gym....Gnome love...the secrets of Gaymacho....


Anonymous said...

...and you call me Evil, Fembot?!! Hehhh. Maria is doing just fine. She has a bruise on her ass the size of Akaska but she is doing just fine.

Watching her fall was like watching a slow-mo... could help her, couldn't catch her.. I still babysit her dawg so she MUST stil like ME. Muhhahhhhahhhhaaaa

Anonymous said...

.... and I love the Clone and Gnome pix,.... disturbing -just like u, dear! Muhahahhhhaaaaaaaaaa

Anonymous said...

lil fembot!
There is no way Freddy can replace you as the "Receptionist" while you explore the world. You are way too cute, sassy and intelligent. Except when you did the burpees today and hit your forehead before you hit your boobs. -JK!!
Good thing you have 3 momma bots looking out for you!
And, was all a super slow mo view when shit hit the fan today. I'm okay. Just a bruised fat ass! Have a great x-mas, lil fembot!

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