Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Eva kicked my butt today,

Five rounds for time of,
800m run
30 kettlebell swings 53#
30 Pull ups

My overall time was 01:08:06

She was a doozy and even though I have the slowest time for this workout on the board, I'm proud...because I finished it. It was funny too, I walked in and grabbed a 53# to try it and it felt heavy so I tried the 40 and it felt heavy so I grabbed what I thought was a 35 and gave it a go and it felt really heavy. Not wanting to go to 25 as usual (defeating the purpose of the workout) I settles for the "35". However on my second round Danny walks by and says "Wow girl, you're doing 53#". Correcting him, I told him it was 35, but I checked anyway, and to my dislexic astonishment it was a 53...like I said...I finished....

Oh snap...Happy Christmas Eve everybody!!!

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