Monday, July 28, 2008


Todays WOD was raving mad!!! I think we were all pooped out before we were even half way through it. All I have to say is that eat Taco Bell before was a bad idea...very bad! ICKY. NEVER AGAIN!!!
My mom just really wanted a taco.

Anyways, after the WOD I hung out at One World and Cheryl helped me out with the deadlift and put some weight on my bar. I got up to 115#, just about my body weight. I didn't realize I was so heavy! LOL

Maria I will eventually be ok at this CrossFit stuff, like ring day! You and Mary need to give me some gymnastic pointers.

Todays WOD was,
10 pull-ups
200m run
10 dips
200m run
9 pull- ups
200m run
9 dips
1 pull-up
200m run
1 dip
200m run

With a lot of encouragement from Chris and Brad,
My time was 00:27:15

Goals for this week,
Schedule appointments, work on some exercises, keep reading!


Anonymous said...

lil' made me work hard for my time today. i'm glad that you are challenging me! trust me! my time would have been a lot slower if you hadn't done the wod today!

the evil twin and i are so proud of your progress! now....what is a good nick name for lil chris....

Anonymous said...

Hey little Fembot! I was totally blown away how fast you did the 10 to 1 WOD. Sheesk.. I was still on my 10th pullup and there you go sprinting like a little wind-up robot on your second 400m.. You will be the force to be reconned with at the Games next year!

Now, we need to start putting together a Halloween WOD with the rest of the BOTS.

!!!!! ;-)

Evil Twin