Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Sore Day

Freddy would post a WOD that revolved around squatting the after I run an 18k! Well, I played it safe and decided to take it easy on my hips/knees/ankles today and worked on my shoulder press and my push press. Did about 2 shoulder presses, and about 40 push presses. Then I did the 100 sit-ups for time with Maria and let me tell you, she killed it! I was about a minute behind that bionic woman! But it was nice to feel the burn!

Hopefully tomorrow my hips and everything will feel better, if not I'll just have to suffer myself a little bit more.

Abmat sit ups, 00:03:55

Goal for this week, cook most of my meals and let the good time role!


Anonymous said...

Okay Little Fembot,

Don't get down on yourself about ANYONE getting through a set faster than you. You're damned fast at everything- (the Clone and I talk about your speed/strength/agility all the time cause you are OUR FEMBOT DAUGHTER!)

Trust me when I say that it's hard getting smoked by ANY robot (she does that to me EVERY day!). I've been trying to catch up to the Clone robot since January! Don't discourage! I'm there right behind you trying to catch her!

You are doing GREAT! From the words of one of the roboTwins - You are doing us proud! You will be a force to be reconned with at the Games in 2009!

Key words: Fembots don't get discouraged and they like the color pink...

back to being blinded by work...


Punicorn said...

Awww, you're the best!!! Wait a minute! You're still at work?!! Yikes, when do you sleep woman!?

Don't work too hard! Otherwise you will be super tired and drained tomorrow!!! EEEeek!

Anonymous said...

lil fembot:
i didn't run...what 7-8 miles?
holy cow! you did an awesome job today! you needed to let the lower body rest... hot tub....alone!!!
oh, yeah. love the fembot/bionic tongue action!! i tried to describe it to bicentennial lady....all she did was laugh......i didn't even finish with the description!!! by the way, that was a direct result of lil' chris....not being a gentleman while at the sacred grounds of crossfit oneworld!
GET A ROOM!!! -just kiddn!

Punicorn said...

lol, we like to make sure your kiss vision is working properly! We have to keep you on your toes just in case of a future emergency!!! Man, its amazing how bad running can be if you aren't properly conditioned for it! EEEK

By the way, our tongue action was something special!!! hehe